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Aegis Literature


Product Briefs

4. Send this document to a colleague aegis_prodbrief.pdf AEGIS Series for Cooling Tower, Boiler, Process and Wastewater Applications
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User Manuals

2. Send this document to a colleague Manual Aegis Português.pdf Aegis - Controlador para Tratamento de Água
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7. Send this document to a colleague S_ATP-CP-OX-T1-CTF.pdf Startup guide for Aegis controller ATP-CP-OX-T1-CTF. .
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8. Send this document to a colleague S_ATP-CO-T2-CTF.pdf Startup guide for Aegis controller ATP-CO-T2-CTF. .
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9. Send this document to a colleague S_ATP-CO-OX-T2-CTF.pdf Startup guide for Aegis controller ATP-CO-OX-T2-CTF. .
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10. Send this document to a colleague S_ABP-B2-T3.pdf Startup guide for Aegis controller ABP-B2-T3.
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11. Send this document to a colleague S_ABP-B1-T3.pdf Startup guide for Aegis controller ABP-B1-T3.
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12. Send this document to a colleague Aegis_User.pdf Installation and Operating manual for the Aegis controller. Discusses Day-To-Day operation; Chemical Feed Controls; Biocides; Sensors; Measuring Volume; Bleed; Blowdown; Flowswitches; Frequency Control; 4-20mA; System Setting.
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13. Send this document to a colleague Aegis_Modem.pdf User Manual for how to setup your computer for Modem communications with an Aegis controller.
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14. Send this document to a colleague Aegis_Browser.pdf User Manual for how to operate the Aegis using the Browser interface.
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33. Send this document to a colleague Driver_B.pdf User Manual for the 'B Driver' card (The 'B Driver' card measures one or two Conductivity sensors). Discusses Installation, Configuration, and Specification on the B Driver.
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34. Send this document to a colleague Driver_CI.pdf User Manual for the 'CI Driver' card (The 'CI Driver' card measures two 4-20mA Current Loop Inputs). Discusses Installation, Configuration, and Specification on the CI Driver.
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35. Send this document to a colleague Driver_CR.pdf User Manual for the 'CR Driver' card (The 'CR Driver' measures one or two corrosion rates using Linear Polarization Resistance). Discusses Installation, Configuration, and Specification on the CR Driver.
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36. Send this document to a colleague Driver_CT.pdf User Manual for the 'CT Driver' card (The 'CT Driver' measures conductivity and temperature, connecting to a single immersed sensor). Discusses Installation, Configuration, and Specification on the CT Driver.
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37. Send this document to a colleague Driver_IO.pdf User Manual for the 'IO Driver' card (The 'IO Driver' provides one or two, DC isolated, loop powered 4-20mA outputs). Discusses Installation, Configuration, and Specification on the IO Driver.
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38. Send this document to a colleague Driver_OP.pdf User Manual for the 'OP Driver' card (The 'OP Driver' measures ORP and pH sensors). Discusses Installation, Configuration, and Specification on the OP Driver.
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39. Send this document to a colleague Driver_PT.pdf User Manual for the 'PT Driver' card (The 'PT Driver' measures a pH sensor and a temperature using a platinum RTD.). Discusses Installation, Configuration, and Specification on the PT Driver.
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40. Send this document to a colleague Driver_RS.pdf User Manual for the 'RS Driver' card (The 'RS Driver' measures flow rate using a turbine or paddlewheel water meter and may be configured to control the stroke rate of a solenoid drive chemical feed pump based on the measured flow rate). Discusses Installation, Configuration, and Specification on the RS Driver.
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41. Send this document to a colleague Driver_OP_Ext.pdf User Manual for the 'OP_Ext Driver' card (The 'OP_Ext Driver' measures a remote pH sensor connected to a Multiflex, Aegis, or SmartSeries (Flex/AS) controller). Discusses Installation, Configuration, and Specification on the OP_Ext Driver.
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Application Notes

1. Send this document to a colleague HowToSetupComputerIPAddress.pdf (Adobe PDF) Instructions on how to configure the IP Address of your computer so that you can communicate (via web browser and/or Trackster) with a controller.
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4. Send this document to a colleague AN010-01_Snubbers.pdf Application Note that explains what a ‘snubber’ is and why they are required on some blowdown valves to prevent controller resets and controller power relay failures.
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5. Send this document to a colleague AN010-02_Sensor_PM.pdf Application Note on Preventative Maintenance for Cooling Tower Sensors. Lists sensors with recommended calibration, cleaning and replacement schedules
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6. Send this document to a colleague AN010-03_ORP_Sensor_Test.pdf Application Note on ORP Sensors Electrical Testing. Details electrical testing to identify ORP sensor failures
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12. Send this document to a colleague AN010-09_Paddle_Flowswitch.pdf Application Note which Provides source and part number information for the older, 1/2in NPT paddle type flow switches Aquatrac Part Number A261400; used in Smart3 and earlier version of S1T series controllers.
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16. Send this document to a colleague AN010-16_4-20mA_Troubleshooting.pdf Application Note on Current Loop Function and Troubleshooting. Discusses the troubleshooting self powered, DC isolated current loops.
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17. Send this document to a colleague AN010-17_4-20mA_Loop_Calib.pdf Application Note on Current Loop Calibration. Details calibration of controller powered, DC isolated current loops.
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20. Send this document to a colleague AN010-23_Fail_Safe_Chem_Feed.pdf Application Note on Fail Safe Acid & Oxidant Feeds. Details the installation of fail-safe hardware for acid & oxidant feeds.
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23. Send this document to a colleague AN010-24_NCCS-10K_Config.pdf Application Note on Loop Powered, Non-Contact Conductivity Measurement. Details the installation and operation of Part NCCS-10K, Loop powered, non-contact, conductvity sensor and sensor entry, Part Hdr_CN.
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24. Send this document to a colleague AN010-25_Time_Cycle_Config.pdf Application Note on Timed Cycling Special Control. Details the operation of the ‘TC’, Timed Cycling, chemical feed pump intermittent feed, special control.
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25. Send this document to a colleague AN010-26_Time_Modulation_Config.pdf Application Note on Time Modulation Special Control. Details the operation of the ‘TM’, Time Modulation, chemical feed pump duty cycle special control.
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26. Send this document to a colleague AN010-27_Fail_Safe_Acid_Feed.pdf Application Note on Redundant Acid OverFeed Protection. Details the installation of fail-safe hardware for acid pumps.
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27. Send this document to a colleague AN010-28_WM_Switching_Relay.pdf Application Note on Limiting Waste Water Volume. Details the installation of a latching relay for switching flow between a waste water plant and drain.
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28. Send this document to a colleague AN010-31_Powering_Current_Loops.pdf Application Note on Powering Current Loops. Details the wiring of a 4-20mA current loop powered by an 18-24VDC power cube located in the controller enclosure.
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32. Send this document to a colleague AN_T004.pdf Application Note on how to connect directly to a controller via Crossover cable.
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33. Send this document to a colleague AN_T005.pdf Application Note on Powering Thermal Flowswitches Connecting an Auxiliary DC Supply. Details using a 15VDC, 300mA supply to power a Flowline thermal flowswitch.
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Technical Manuals

1. Send this document to a colleague Aegis_Tech.pdf Technical Manual for Aegis Cooling Tower Controller. Discusses Installation, Configuration, Sensors, and Applications.
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12. Send this document to a colleague VB24_24VSupply.pdf Technical manual for the 'VB24: Voltage Booster 24V @ 80mA'. Discusses Overview, Installation, Cabling, and Specifications.
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14. Send this document to a colleague Driver_CII.pdf Technical manual for the Current Input Isolated driver card (Part: CII). Discusses Application, Installation, Configuration, Operation, and Specifications.
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15. Send this document to a colleague AEGIS_modbus.pdf Aegis MODBUS Manual.
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16. Send this document to a colleague AEGIS_AD Alarm_Relay_Card.doc Operation, wiring, and installation guide for the Aegis Alarm Relay Card
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17. Send this document to a colleague AEGIS_AD Alarm_Relay_Card.pdf Operation, wiring, and installation guide for the Aegis Alarm Relay Card
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Backplane Drawings

Please call (800) 909-9283 or email to request Backplane Drawings for the Aegis product.

Troubleshooting Guides

1. Send this document to a colleague BoilerSensorTestProcedure.pdf Describes how to troubleshoot common boiler sensor problems.
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3. Send this document to a colleague trblSht_FlxAs_boil_conductivity.pdf Troubleshooting Guide for solving Boiler Conductivity problems.
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4. Send this document to a colleague trblSht_FlxAs_ct_conductivity.pdf Troubleshooting Guide for solving Cooling Tower Conductivity problems.
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5. Send this document to a colleague trblSht_FlxAs_orp_control.pdf Troubleshooting Guide for solving ORP measurement and control problems.
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6. Send this document to a colleague trblSht_FlxAs_pH_control.pdf Troubleshooting Guide for solving pH measurement and control problems.
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7. Send this document to a colleague trblSht_PmpVlvSlnd_probsAlrms.pdf Troubleshooting Guide for solving Pump, Valves, Solenoid problems and alarms.
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8. Send this document to a colleague trblSht_2SmrtFlxAs_wtrMtr.pdf Troubleshooting Guide for solving water meter measurements.
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Header Drawings

2. Send this document to a colleague Hdr_CO_F.pdf Sensor Installation Header for Conductivity, Temperature, and Flowswitch.
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3. Send this document to a colleague Hdr_CO_OR_CR_F.pdf Sensor Installation Header for Conductivity, Temperature, ORP, Corrosion Rate, and Flowswitch
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4. Send this document to a colleague Hdr_CP_CR_F.pdf Sensor Installation Header for Conductivity, Temperature, pH, Corrosion Rate, and Flowswitch
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5. Send this document to a colleague Hdr_CP_F.pdf Sensor Installation Header for Conductivity, Temperature, pH, and Flowswitch
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6. Send this document to a colleague Hdr_CP_FF_HP.pdf Sensor Installation Header for Conductivity, Temperature, and Flat-faced double junction pH
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7. Send this document to a colleague Hdr_CP_OR_CR_F.pdf Sensor Installation Header for Conductivity, Temperature, pH, ORP, Corrosion Rate, and Flowswitch
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8. Send this document to a colleague Hdr_CP_OR_F.pdf Sensor Installation Header for Conductivity, Temperature, pH, ORP, and Flowswitch
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9. Send this document to a colleague Hdr_OR.pdf Sensor Installation Header for ORP Sensor and Solution Ground
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10. Send this document to a colleague Hdr_OR_F.pdf Sensor Installation Header for ORP Sensor and Flowswitch
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11. Send this document to a colleague Hdr_PH.pdf Sensor Installation Header for pH Sensor and Solution Ground
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12. Send this document to a colleague Hdr_PH_F.pdf Sensor Installation Header for pH Sensor and Flowswitch
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Installation and Wiring

Controller Model Search

To download the "Installation and Wiring" manual that is specific to your controller, enter the Controller Model Number (in the textbox above), then click Download.

1. Send this document to a colleague AEGIS_AD Alarm_Relay_Card.doc Operation, wiring, and installation guide for the Aegis Alarm Relay Card
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2. Send this document to a colleague AEGIS_AD Alarm_Relay_Card.pdf Operation, wiring, and installation guide for the Aegis Alarm Relay Card
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11. Send this document to a colleague Driver_CII.pdf Technical manual for the Current Input Isolated driver card (Part: CII). Discusses Application, Installation, Configuration, Operation, and Specifications.
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22. Send this document to a colleague Client software for Aegis MODBUS. Download and install the Aegis MODBUS Client to test the MODBUS communications on your Aegis.
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Upgrade Manuals

Please call (800) 909-9283 or email to request Upgrade Manuals for the Aegis product.


1. Send this document to a colleague HowToSetupComputerIPAddress.pdf (Adobe PDF) Instructions on how to configure the IP Address of your computer so that you can communicate (via web browser and/or Trackster) with a controller.
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2. Send this document to a colleague WirelessCommunications-EvDO.pdf (PDF) Overview of wireless broadband communications (EvDO). Discusses what EvDO is and what hardware is necessary in order to implement wireless remote communications for your process controllers.
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3. Send this document to a colleague WirelessCommunications-EvDO.ppt (PowerPoint Presentation) Overview of wireless broadband communications (EvDO). Discusses what EvDO is and what hardware is necessary in order to implement wireless remote communications for your process controllers.
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4. Send this document to a colleague HowToConnectToControllers.ppt (PowerPoint Presentation) Presentation on the different ways you can connect to a controller.
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5. Send this document to a colleague HowToConnectToControllers.pdf (PDF) Presentation on the different ways you can connect to a controller.
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6. Send this document to a colleague Trackster3Overview.pdf (PDF) Presentation on the benefits and features of the Trackster 3 software.
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7. Send this document to a colleague Trackster3Overview.ppt (PowerPoint Presentation) Presentation on the benefits and features of the Trackster 3 software.
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Aquatrac Instruments

Office: (800) 909-9283 - Fax: (909) 476-2412

1840 South Carlos Ave. Ontario California, 91761